Relationship Reset
A marriage intensive experience
Get to the root of the issue.
Relationship Reset intensives offer counseling to couples who are facing a crisis in their marriage. Some of these couples are on the verge of divorce.
Relationship Reset intensives are all-inclusive, extended periods of counseling that allow our team of marriage and family therapists to get to the root of the problem. The Relationship Reset model of couples therapy is attachment and trauma-informed.
Relationship Reset provides couples with tools that improve intimate relationships and aftercare coaching of six sessions to help support the couple once they have gone home and begun to implement the new skills that they learned in the intensive.
Tailor your experience.
Schedule a Friday or Saturday that suits you and your partner.
One day $1800
Schedule a consecutive Friday and Saturday that suits you and your partner.
Two days $3600
Schedule a Thursday - Saturday that suits you and your partner.
Three days $5400
You will need these books.
How We Love Book
How We Love Workbook